Open Day
Open Day in our school on Saturday January 28th from 12.30-3.30, all are welcome. We hope to see you there!
Tramore Educate Together National School
Open Day in our school on Saturday January 28th from 12.30-3.30, all are welcome. We hope to see you there!
We are learning about food this month. We have sorted our food, carried out experiments with food and tasted lots of fruits and vegetables. We are also having a hot meal delivered from Grow HQ once a week for 6 weeks in school. This is an opportunity for the school to: encourage healthy eating habits Read More …
There are 24 countries playing soccer in the Euro 16 finals. Here are all their flags, and the groups they’re playing in. We’re each supporting a different one…. …but all of us are behind our own green team! Come on Ireland!
The travel bug has hit Tramore Educate Together school. Packing lists have been written and passports are in-date. Expect long queues in check-in, stringent security and immigration control followed by a lot of hustle and bustle on the plane as passengers get seated before take-off. Lots of destinations to choose from. The only limit is Read More …
In our school, we love to recycle. This week, we discovered a concept that is even better than recycling. We are talking about upcycling. We asked people to give us things they were going to throw away. Then we made them into useful items. Look how we were able to move sand and water through Read More …
We set off on the most beautiful sunny morning, led by Grace O’Sullivan, through the historic picturesque streets of old Tramore. We walked under the pink cherry blossom in full bloom, past the sparkly butterfly stone on Pond St, shook hands with the five-fingered horse chestnut leaf, played with the sticky back (the inspiration for Read More …
This week we have been learning all about dairy. We know that milk is a healthy food for our teeth and bones. We also know lots of different foods that milk can be turned into. We learned the story of milk from farm to fridge, played with toy dairy cattle in the farm, made butter Read More …
We learned how to keep warm in winter: We wear warm clothes. We tried on lots of hats, followed procedures to make pirate hats, sang “I’ve got a hat” and learned the poem “My Hat” by Tony Mitton. Bhíomar ag ceannach hata freisin, bhí gach sórt hata ar díol sa siopa. We take plenty of Read More …
Rinneamar pancóga ar scoil inniu. Bhíomar an-ghnóthach. Many hands make light work. Thank you to Rom for cooking our pancakes.
Maths eyes were open and alert all this week in Tramore Educate Together. We completed a Maths Trail outside on a lovely crisp autumn morning.